Référence : 2
Guéridon en laiton et marbre poli à la main par Aurelia Bire, designer d’objets et de mobilier. Une table d’appoint au design poétique sur le thème des fleurs, qui s’épanouit comme un bijou contemporain.
Length : 23.62 in / 60 cm
Height : 26.77 in / 68 cm
Width : 23.62 in / 60 cm
Weigth : 110.23 lb / 50 kg
Contact us / Get in touch
Designer : Aurelia Bire
Catégorie : Guéridon, table d’appoint
Matériaux : Piètement en laiton et plateau en marbre avec des variations naturelles
Édition : Pièce unique
Garantie : Vendue avec certificat d’authenticité

Aurelia Bire
Aurelia Bire is a designer of objects and furniture. A graduate of the Boston Consulting Group and the Chelsea College of Art and Design in London, Aurelia carries with her the heritage of the most illustrious French decoration house of the 20th century, Maison Jansen, chaired for several decades by her grandfather Pierre Deshays . His creations inspired by nature and landscapes deal with universal themes as well as simple gestures. Through her training and eclectic experiences, Aurélia has a unique approach to projects, blurs the boundaries between categories and reinvents the classic way things are done.
In 2019, Aurélia won the first edition of FD100 by the VIA (Association for the Promotion of Innovation in Furnishings), an initiative supported by Philippe Starck. Unveiled at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, the French Design 100 is a list of the 100 designers of objects and spaces whose creation makes France shine internationally.